Friday, February 17, 2012

The green eyed monster...

The pregnancy wave has taken over. 2 of my cousins, 2 of my best friends, and 2 ladies at work are all pregnant. I want to be happy for them...I really do...but every time I hear about a new pregnancy and the complaints they have I want to punch them in the face. I want so bad to be pregnant. :(   How do you get over the jealousy?

Everyone says "I haven't been married very long and just wait it will come" but we have been actively trying for 6 months, and haven't not been trying. (no b/c or preventative methods) for almost a year. I'm almost 30 (only a few months shy) &  have PCOS. Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.  My doctors have always told me that it would be tough to get pregnant, but they didn't warn me how hard it would be to watch everyone else get pregnant with such ease. When my friend said it only took 3 times for her and was all excited; I went home and cried.

I know I torture myself. I have my baby's room picked out on Pinterest and even designed my perfect fabric for a baby quilt on spoonflower.

I know that there is nothing wrong with feeling upset about not being a parent yet because when the time finally does come for us we will appreciate it that much more. It is human nature to feel jealous of others that have something that is such a major part of life when you want it so badly. I just wish my pregnant friends would understand that sometimes I just don't want to hear about it.

Anyone going through this?  Any thoughts?

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