Sunday, July 3, 2011

Welcome new blog friends

We did it!! We finally moved in together in a new house in the same city. For the past year I have been living in Owensboro, KY and my FI has been in Louisville, KY.  I moved away to take a job teaching art (the teaching job market is rough here) and let me tell you, 2 1/2 is a long way to drive every weekend. After a long decision and months of house hunting we decided the best decision for all involved was for me to move back home.

We have decided to rent for awhile and then reassess the situation in a year.....sooooo....for the time being I am doing me best to make my rental house my own. We found an 80 year old semi-shotgun house in an older part of town. This city is weird, it seems every other house has been fixed up. Our house was the shabby one on the street (soon to be remedied).

The entire interior of the house was painted dark, strange colors with black trim. We are pretty sure they were vampires (might still be in the cellar - it's pretty scary down there). After 3 long weekends, 10 gallons of kilz primer, 6 gallons of paint, and a lot of elbow grease the house is livable. I hope you join me for our journey into making our house a home.

Here are some of the scary BEFORE pictures.

the living room (much darker in person)

really?? handprints?

the dark and scary kitchen - black cabinets!!

dirty bathroom (can I say GROSS!!)

Thomas's office/RC airplane room

maybe we will paint the puke green kitchen light puke green....or maybe NOT!

my new craft scary hurt my eyes where are my sunglasses pink

and there is a cat painted in the strange second closet in the closet
gotta love the trees growing from the gutters

*** update

After living here for a few months we discovered some serious mold and bug problems. Unfortunately our landlord was not willing to work with us at all, so we moved out. She wanted us to pay 1/2 for the mold removal...uh....NO!  Pretty crazy that someone financed through her and bought the house 2 weeks after we moved out.

We are in a much better house now and working hard to make it a home.

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