Friday, July 8, 2011

I LOVE the 4th of July

Our parents have finally met, and got along fantastically...YAY!! 
 All of our friends got to see the new house.
 and it is still standing....barely.  

That brings me to the question: Why do rednecks always buy the biggest fireworks?  When I went to the fireworks store to buy sparklers, they asked if I had any kiddos at home. Can a grown woman not enjoy a few sparklers?
My stupid, white trash neighbors, on the other hand, bought huge mortars, then let them off on their slanted sidewalk. Long story short, the canon fell over, hit a bunch of kids sitting on their porch a few houses down, and started my tree on fire. No one was seriously hurt, just a few blisters, but that ended their night. The cops were called and it was a very crazy way to end an otherwise fantastic housewarming/independence day party.  

A few of the highlights of the day:
alcoholic flag jello...courtesy of with a little rum in the red jello



Hope you had as much fun as we did!

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